Sudanese soldiers accused of rape
Sudanese soldiers accused of rape
Rape is being used as a weapon of war in Sudan's war-torn Darfur region, a United Nations report says.

It details numerous cases of rape by government soldiers, including one in which girls as young as 13 and pregnant women were sexually assaulted.
The UN's human rights chief called on Sudan's government to investigate and prosecute those responsible.
A second UN report details the seizure and disappearance of men in Darfur suspected to be rebel supporters.
At least 200,000 people have been killed and 2m displaced during the four year conflict between rebel groups and government-backed militia.
The BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva says the new reports released by UN Human Rights Commissioner Louise Arbour make grim reading.
The UN office has a team of human rights monitors in Darfur who report regularly on the situation there.
At least 15 women in and around the village of Deribat report being raped by soldiers during an attack last December.
In their report the human rights monitors conclude that rape was used as a weapon of war, a clear violation of the Geneva Conventions.
Ms Arbour called on Sudan's government to conduct an independent investigation into the attacks and to ensure that those responsible are prosecuted.
The second report details the enforced disappearance of at least 19 men in south Darfur.
The UN monitors say they were taken from their homes late last September by government forces who claimed the men were rebels. Since then only three have returned.
At least eight were identified among a group of corpses exhumed earlier this year.
Ms Arbour says no circumstances justify enforced disappearance and summary execution and has called for detailed explanations from the authorities in Darfur.
Our correspondent says the new reports will add to the pressure on Sudan to address the violence in Darfur.
Last week the UN Human Rights Council ordered an investigation into Sudan's compliance with international conventions against torture, summary execution and violence against women.
Mbeki to increase Darfur pressure
South African President Thabo Mbeki is due to arrive in Sudan as part of efforts to persuade Khartoum to accept a new peacekeeping force in Darfur.
Sudan is refusing to allow a joint UN-African Union mission to be deployed despite apparently agreeing in principle last November.
Mr Mbeki is expected to push for full implementation of the November deal.
A Chinese envoy has ended his four-day visit by calling on Sudan to be more flexible in its international dealings.
Devil in the detail
The BBC's Jonah Fisher in Khartoum says it is a big week for Darfur and the Khartoum government with the back-to-back visits from the Chinese envoy, Zhai Jun, Mr Mbeki, and US Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte.
Mr Negroponte arrives later this week and is likely to bring a warning straight from Washington, that President George W Bush is losing patience and is considering tougher sanctions.
Mr Mbeki, one of the African Union's most important leaders, is to arrive on Tuesday, and these three men represent the key international players trying to resolve Darfur's four-year-old conflict.
Though approaching the problem from different angles, their missions are all the same - to break the impasse between Sudan and the international community over the deployment of a new peacekeeping force.
The AU peace and security commissioner Said Djinnit has said he is confident a final agreement on UN peacekeepers in Darfur will be reached soon.
Differences remained over the use of helicopter gunships, he said.
"We hope that we will be able to achieve greater progress in the coming days and weeks," he told the BBC's Network Africa programme.
"In the meantime, we'd like to make an appeal to all the parties to refrain from any hostilities, and any act which is to undermine the ongoing process."
Our reporter, however, says there is no sign that Sudan is ready to allow UN peacekeepers into Darfur.
Many thought the issue had been resolved in November when Sudan agreed in principle to a strengthened African Union-UN joint force.
The devil, however, has been in the detail, our reporter says.
In a long letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir queried almost every detail of the planned force.
One of his many stipulations was that peacekeeping helicopters should not be used to protect Darfur's civilians.
Resource: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/
* Vocabulary Focus *
1. prosecute: v. 對…起訴;執行
2. seizure: v. 扣押、捉住
3. rebel: adj. 反抗的、反叛的
4. militia: n. 民兵部隊、國民軍
5. grim: adj. 嚴厲的
6. corpse: n. 屍體、殘骸
7. exhume: v. 發掘
8. correspondent: n. 特派員
9. torture: n. 酷刑、拷打
1. envoy: n. 外交使節
2. sanctions: n. [P] 國際制裁
3. impasse: n. 僵局、死路
4. helicopter gunship: 武裝直升機
5. hostility: n. 戰爭行動
6. undermine: v. 暗中破壞
7. query: v. 質問
8. stipulation: n. 契約、規定、條文
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